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Memorial Day
Memorial Day honors soldiers who fought and died for the United States. On this day, communities gather to remember soldiers’ sacrifices and celebrate the beginning of summer. Sing along as you explore Holidays in Rhythm and Rhyme! Includes online music access.
June 14 is Flag Day, but with so many American flags proudly displayed, every day seems like Flag Day. Perfect for reading together with a young child, F Is for Flag shows in simple terms how one flag can mean many things: a symbol of unity, a sign of welcome, and a reminder that-in good times and in bad-everyone in our country is part of one great big family.
The Poppy Lady
Moina Belle Michael and Her Tribute to Veterans
When American soldiers entered World War I, Moina Belle Michael, a schoolteacher from Georgia, knew she had to act. Some of the soldiers were her students and friends. Almost single-handedly, Moina worked to establish the red poppy as the symbol to honor and remember soldiers. And she devoted the rest of her life to making sure the symbol would last forever.
Written by the son of a career officer, this book explores the branches of the Armed Services and speaks from the heart about the honor, privileges and sacrifices of military families everywhere. Children will discover why drill sergeants have to be so tough, what it means to be patriotic and why we need Special Forces such as the Navy SEALS, the Green Berets and the Army Rangers.
It's Memorial Day and Marco and Mama are going to see the parade. On their way, they pass Marco's grandfather's house. They usually stop to see Grandfather, but today Mama is in a rush because she has promised Marco a surprise. Marco can't imagine what the surprise might be. Could it be the marching band? The fire engines? The candy tossed to the crowd by a woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty?

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